Date: May 3, 2025
Location: Del City Middle School Gym
2300 Linda Lane, Del City, OK 7315
Admission: Adults $10, Child $5
–For sparring competitors: please be as accurate as possible with your weight.–
–note all must be AAU members–
Schedule and Registration Information: More coming soon
Invite Letter for Coaches and Referees
Print posters to share and post! JPG PDF DOC
Info sheet
Competitors: $85 for one event, $30 for each additional event, $25 late fee at the door:
Competitor Registration Form: printable (so you can print for your students to fill out: no check boxes for events) and fillable form online (check boxes so you can complete and email in the registration to You can now also submit a google form to completely submit online (right now competitors only):
Coaches: $50; $25 late fee at the door: Coach Registration Form. See invite letter with more details.
You must be an AAU member.
Early Registration ends April 28 (otherwise costs more at the door, competitors and coaches).
Make checks payable to: Oklahoma State Taekwondo Association.
Fast and secure: email your registration to (It won’t get lost in the mail!–we had one letter come 2 weeks after the event once!).
Don’t want to send your credit card info? call in: (405) 793-0752.
Need to cancel? Just know that there is a $25 refund processing fee or your full application fee may be applied to your next tournament.